Behind the Scenes - Silhouette Bike
This idea built on a shoot I did early in the year. That shoot can be seen HERE. Skateboarding was my original idea and after we shot that I was stoked how it came out and decided to expand on the concept further. At first I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do and brainstormed some ideas before randomly stumbling on flatland BMX. While scrolling through my phone I remember having seen someone post on a local Facebook group asking if anybody had built a BMX bike recently. I went back and tried to find this post and searched the group and ending up coming across a video of someone riding in Whistler. The rider in the video was good and that was when I thought flatland BMX would be a good option. I reached out to the rider, Mickael Loiodice, and after I explained my concept he was down to give it a go.

Road Biking - Photo Gallery
Personal project shooting road biking with Emily Slaco on a sunny summer morning on the Duffy.