2022 Calendar
I’ve released my 2022 calendar. Calendars can be ordered here.
It features 12 months of landscape images all capture in British Columbia, Canada.

Behind the Scenes: S-Curves
When I lived Utah, anytime I was going up into the mountains to adventure, or snowboard I would drive past this spot in Big Cottonwood Canyon. I had scoped this angle when checking out a climbing location and knew I wanted to make a photograph here. It was a matter of waiting for the ideal conditions.

Planning a Photograph
When going out to shoot photos, I keep a few things in mind to create the best possible photo I can. In some situations, I plan out an exact image, and in other cases, I try to work on the fly and shoot things as they adapt and change around me.

What’s in My Camera Bag?
What gear do I carry on a regular trip into the mountains? This is an ever-adapting list, and I’m always adding or removing things based on what activity I’m doing.
Some items included in the winter, rarely make it in, in the summer, and vice versa. I try to keep the weight of my pack down, and I think many people would be surprised at how simple I keep it.