Trail Running
This image was shot as part of a personal project. I had the idea of wanting to shoot a top down image that really showed the body position of the runner through the shadow. This location is at a local park and a walking bridge passes over the gravel trail below. This was the perfect location as it allowed me to get above my athlete (Will Goneau) as he ran through. It took a few tries to get the exact body position with the shadow, but since we were working in a small space it was easy to have Will run through multiple times.

Fly Fishing - Photo Gallery
I’ve fished on occasion throughout my life, and I keep telling myself to get into it, but it always gets pushed to the wayside when things get busy. However I’ve been visually interested in fishing for a long time, often seeing imagery come from this world that is stunning. Fishing normally seems to coincide with the early morning, or the late evening. From a photography perspective this is perfect, generally the best light of day, and the most likely time to get fog rising of water.

The Mysterious Whistle
Sounds are unnerving, especially when you don’t know what they are. That odd noise from your car when driving down the highway. A weird crack or pop from your body you weren’t expecting when you move in a certain way. Maybe the scariest and most unnerving of them all, an unknown sound in the backcountry. It can really put me on edge and make my hyper-aware of my surroundings.