2022 Calendar
I’ve released my 2022 calendar. Calendars can be ordered here.
It features 12 months of landscape images all capture in British Columbia, Canada.

Behind the Scenes: Out for a Weekend Adventure
When getting out for this sunrise I had a specific shot in mind I wanted to shoot. Not to long ago, I shot a sunrise image in the fall. Later that spring, a massive landslide on Joffre Peak took off half the face of the mountain, altering the mountains look. While the peak was only a small element in the photo, I wanted to shoot the same landscape and show the difference between before and after. We got there just in time for sunrise, I set up my tripod and got the shot I was after.

Behind the Scenes: S-Curves
When I lived Utah, anytime I was going up into the mountains to adventure, or snowboard I would drive past this spot in Big Cottonwood Canyon. I had scoped this angle when checking out a climbing location and knew I wanted to make a photograph here. It was a matter of waiting for the ideal conditions.

Alpine Skating
I first learned to skate when I was a little kid on a pond by my house. We would go a couple of times a winter when it was cold and frozen. I was an okay skater, but it never really took up much of my time. I then grew out of my skates and never replaced them and went years without skating. I moved to Utah, where it wasn't an option due to lack of nearby ponds and lakes, but it never crossed my mind as something to do.

New Website
I have recently redesigned my website, updated my portfolio, and improved things on the backend. This being said, the content from my original blog wasn’t able to easily transfer over. I have chosen a few feature pieces I would like to share, but unfortunalty I don’t have the time/capability to integrate every previous blog post. Enjoy reading a few of the past pieces, and follow along for future content.

Photo Essay: Rohr Lake
As the days lengthen and the snow starts to melt, I start looking forward to spring days spent in the mountains at alpine lakes. The green of the surrounding meadows, and the blue of the water is a photographers dream. In BC in particular we are spoiled with a plethora of lakes to explore.

Behind the Scenes | Armchair Glacier
A hike and photography at a trail near my house in Whistler. Behind the scenes of my thought process and my photography.

Behind the Scenes | A Calm Evening
A hike and photography at Joffre Lakes in Pemberton, BC on a sunny fall evening. Behind the scenes of my thought process and my photography.